Meet the #1 eLogii

Compare features and decide which route planning platform is best for your business.

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ufleet dashboard and ufleet driver app screenshots
Top retailers trust Ufleet
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Features Comparison

eLogii vs Ufleet

⬢ ufleeteLogii
Control Center
Customizable Dashboard
Live field data
Real time planned vs. actual
Multiple depots
Predict and prevent exceptions
AI Route Optimization
Auto Dispatch
Standard AI inputs settings
Extended AI inputs settings
Dymamic route update
Custom AI
Customer Portal
Client brand customization
Real time updates
ETA & track driver on map
Flexible feedback format
Stand alone & integrated
Driver App
Realtime updates
Easy navigation
All + custom order details
Flexible checklists
Unlimited photo uploads
Real time customer feedback
Driver Performance
Custom KPIs & reports
1-year history
Export data
Integrate any ERP, CRM, Ecommerce
Action calls via API
Custom data points
Integration support

Why you’ll instantly do better

Precise route optimization

  • 10 route optimization parameters that no one else offers
  • Advanced AI algorithms that calculate routes tremendously smart
  • Change routes, edit details, and re-optimize in real-time

Flexibility & Customization

  • Tailor-made features to fit your specific needs
  • Customized integrations so you can connect the apps you already use
  • White-label Customer Portal that helps you build a strong brand presence

Top-Notch Driver App

  • Easy to use Driver App with intuitive interface
  • Real-time notifications on route changes, delays, and issues
  • Time and location-stamped proof of delivery

What you get with Ufleet

ufleet native driver app screenshot showing a list of tasks
Pay less, do more

Smart and cost-efficient deliveries at scale

No more unnecessary miles! You’ll get the shortest, fastest, and most convenient delivery routes. Stop wasting hours when you can plan routes in seconds.

  • Significantly reduce mileage
  • No more unnecessary idle time between deliveries
  • Pay for 20% less fuel
  • Produce fewer CO2 emissions
  • Optimize thousands of routes in seconds
ufleet native driver app screenshot showing a list of tasks
Let the AI do the work

Delivery operations that follow the latest trends and standards

Ditch the manual route optimization—it’s a thing of the past. It’s time to automate your deliveries and take your service to the next level.

  • Future-proof your delivery operations and administration
  • Impress customers with technology-powered live tracking, status updates, and feedback forms
  • Gain a competitive edge over your competitors
  • Position your business as a modern and tech-savvy employer
  • Use technology to gain important insights and make data-driven decision
ufleet native driver app screenshot showing a list of tasks
Delight your customers

Stellar delivery experience your customers will love

Provide a delivery experience to remember—timely, convenient, and transparent!

  • Keep customers informed with live tracking and notifications
  • Collect immediate customer feedback upon delivery
  • Track delays or missed deliveries, and act in real-time
  • Promote your brand, loyalty programs, coupons, and more
  • Enable seamless communication between drivers and customers

What customers achieved with Ufleet

Today customers are not only comparing the experience with our direct competitors - they are comparing it with the best delivery experience ever. Ufleet has given us the technological edge to improve our home delivery offering and stay ahead in this field.
Tomasz Starczynowski
Tomasz Starczynowski
Sales Director, OBI Board Member

You too can reduce costs and improve efficiency with Ufleet

Join thousands of businesses that rely on Ufleet to:
  • plan and optimize delivery routes
  • manage and empower drivers
  • enhance customer experience
  • make data-driven business decisions

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ufleet dashboard and ufleet driver app screenshots